Friday, April 20, 2012

Silly Stupendous Students Studied Superbly

This week we...
  • have been learning about plants. 
  • planted plants. 
  • looked at seed and leaves.
  • went to computer lab and typed cinquain poems that we wrote. 
  • researched a Sandy Beach animal. 
  • wrote Haiku poems. Haikus are Japanese poems with 3 lines. The first line has 5 syllables, the second has 7 syllables and the last line has 5 syllables. 
  • continued Daily 5. 
  • made a star fish. 
  • celebrated Alex's birthday! 
  • went to the library and did a scavenger hunt! 
  • learned about open syllables and closed syllables. Open syllables end in a long vowel sound. Closed syllables end in a consonant and have a short vowel sound. 
  • measured in centimeters and meters. 
  • measured in feet and inches. 
  • measured using Miss Hawthorne's feet, our feet, and Miss Hawthorne's friends' HUGE feet. 
  • started reading Mrs. Frisby and Rats of Nhym. 
  • have been learning to make inferences from what we read and know. 
  • learned how water is absorbed in the roots of the plants and travels up the stem into the leaves through the veins to help a plant grow and survive. 
  • wrote Acrostic poems about the Sandy Beach. 
  • learned there are 100 centimeters in a meter. There are 3 feet in a yard. There are 12 inches in a foot. 
  • closed the classroom library until further notice due to a page being torn out of a book. BIG SADNESS. 


Thursday, April 5, 2012

We've been busy bee's since we've been back from Spring Break!!

Miss Nichols ( our student teacher) has been doing a fabulous job in full teach for the last 2 weeks!

We have...
1. learned about the Sandy Beach for our MARE unit. Start those dioramas at home!!! :)
2. learned about crabs and jelly fish. We MADE our own crabs and jelly fish.
3. learned about waves and tides and did an experiment.
4. continued Daily 5 (we love our stations)
5. learned division! Ask your kids what it means to divide. What is the opposite of division?
6. learned geometric solids.
7. made ANGRY BIRDS with geometric solids. This was our favorite!!!
8. learned contractions. "I am--I'm , we are--we're..."
9. continued working on making inferences in story and story structures.
10. been learning open and closed syllables.
11.  celebrated Aria's birthday!
12. made oceans in a bottle.
13. salt water painted.
14. learned about pronouns.
15. learned about characters and main ideas in stories.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Abe Lincoln....The kids insisted that I take a picture in the hat...

Our new dry erase and GIANT post-it chart!! We love it! (Miss Hawthorne may have been most excited about this!)

House for Hermit Crab listening activity.

Idiom Hats-Miss Hawthorne's "Straw Hat". Stay tuned for pictures of the kids in theirs!

Lego Lab...we built cars!!

Math Games!

We made salt water!

Friday, March 9, 2012

We are so excited for SPRING BREAK!!!

This week we...
  • had our Amelia Bedelia parade with our idiom hats! 
  • got a new dry erase board installed with GIANT post it notes!
  • got green cones ALL week!!! WOOHOOOO!!!! 
  • had a friend get to have a Teacher Treat during lunch. She won it at Spring Fling! 
  • started learning algebra! x+5=14. What is the value of x? 
  • continued daily 5. 
  • started learning about the ocean. 
  • made salt water pictures. 
  • did an experiment with making salt water. 
  • did an activity with listening. We listened to A House for Hermit Crab and drew what we heard without looking at the pictures. 
  • watched Magic School Bus video about the Ocean. 
  • reviewed short o words. 
  • are learning multiplication.
  • learned new sight words! 
  • are learning real vs. fantasy.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

We've missed a couple of weeks! Tune in for an update!


  • had a Valentine celebration! It was magnificent! 
  • have had a great time learning IDIOMS!! Some of our favorites are: It's raining cats and dogs! You've fallen off the face of the Earth! 
  • had a friend move to another school. We will miss her! 
  • learned greater than, less than and got clothespin crocodiles to help us learn that crocodile's mouth wants to eat the GREATER number! (100>10)
  • got a new Daily 5 chart! 
  • went to the library and learned how to log on to netbooks! 
  • went to Computer lab!
  • continued Daily 5 activities! 
  • had 2 friends get AR awards. 
  • had a friend with a birthday! 
  • started a new month of MARCH! 
  • Spring Break is in a WEEK!
  • are doing volleyball in PE. 
  • continued spelling. We are learning au, aw, a words. (Digraphs that make the short o sound.) 
  • have reached our 120th day! 
  • finished reading Brom's book Mr. Granite is From Another Planet! We are starting Ms. Hannah is Bananas next week!
  • are doing our ceramic cupcakes in Art. 
  • know today is Dr. Seuss's birthday! 
  • Miss Hawthorne was absent for a few days...have no fear, she has returned! 
  • have Ms. Nichols student teaching with us. 
  • are learning about Presidents. 
  • made Abe Lincoln hats! 

Stay tuned for pictures....

Friday, February 17, 2012

We had a week as sweet as a Valentine!

This week we....
  • had Mrs. Matthys come talk to us about our character. 
  • went to the computer lab and got to work with Netbooks which are student laptops! 
  • had LEGO LAB! 
  • made our Valentine Bags for next week! 
  • had a few friends go to the AR store. 
  • had show and tell because we fill our marble jar!!! 
  • got ALL 5 GREEN CONES! Miss Hawthorne is PROUD! 
  • are updating our blog! 
  • are learning Zone Hockey in PE. 
  • started Mr. Klutz is Nutz. We are on chapter 11!
  • Ms. Stone (a high school student) spent the week in our classroom! We will miss her!!! Big sadness she is leaving! :( 
  • did number of the day! We are on number 107! 
  • are still doing daily 5! 
  • had a friend take clay from art and are still trying to figure out who took it...Honesty is the best policy! We are hoping a friend will come forward to confess. 
  • did a form of division in Math using fractions! 
  • took our fraction test. 
  • learned words with the /oo/ sound. We can spell them with oe, oo, ue ew, u, ui.
  • will have our Valentine celebration next Tuesday!!! We are excited!!! 
  • did spelling! We love to spell! 
  • got a new computer in our room! It is very fancy!

Counselor Visit

Cool Week! A high school student came to shadow our class for the week!

Lego Lab!

Number of the Day routine!

Show and Tell

Friday, February 3, 2012

We had a fun week!

We are updating for 2 weeks since we missed our update last week!

We have
  • been to the library. 
  • eaten lunch on the stage! FINALLY we earned all 5 GREEN cones! 
  • been to computer lab. 
  • finished 2 chapter book: Ms. Daisy is Crazy and Mr. Sunny is Funny. They are hilarious! Mr. Klutz is Nutz is our next book!
  • gone to art and have gotten to make clay cupcakes! 
  • continued learning new sight words and vocabulary words. 
  • made it to the month of February!!!!! 
  • made it to our 100th day! We celebrated by making candles for our 100 day cake with 100 words we know! We drew a picture ourselves when we are 100. We wrote about what life would be like when we are 100. 
  • gotten a new purple writing folder. 
  • continued Daily 5. 
  • went PE and are learning Hockey!
  • had Ms. Bell come substitute for us in the morning this Friday so Miss Hawthorne could assess reading. 
  • are still learning rocks!
  • updating our blog! FINALLY! 
  • had a friend leave our class and move back to Korea! We are VERY sad that he is gone and will MISS HIM A LOT!!!! 
  • have celebrated Miss Hawthorne's half birthday last week! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! Ya'll made me feel special!! 
  • had Mrs. Matthys come visit us. 
  • been doing our spelling tasks. 
  • had some kids visit the AR store.  
  • been learning ai and ay words. 
  • been learning ow and ou words. 
  • taken our test on subtraction with regrouping. 
  • started fractions!!! A fraction is a _________________________. Ask your kids! 
  • learned that illustrations in a story help with comprehension.
  • been using context clues to define words. 
  • taken a field trip to the Paramount to see Mexican dancing. (Ballet Folklorico). The men danced with machettis. 
  • THE END.

I will be sending home a report with your child's DRA (Reading) and TPRI scores on it next week when I complete testing. If your child is working on or above grade level, a mid-year conference is not necessary. If your child is working below grade level, it is mandatory. Please be looking for these letters to come home some time next week. If your child is working on grade-level and you would like a mid-year conference anyways, OF COURSE we can schedule one!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Hawthorne at her half-birthday celebration! SO SWEET!

The cupcake cake!

Being geologists!

Indoor recess! I have some creative students!

Our first bus trip to the Paramount!

At the Paramount for Ballet Folklorico

The dancers!

Ms. Hawthorne and Ms. Kasparek on the bus!

100th day! 100 words we know!

Science Fair

Science Fair

Being Silly!

Reading to the class!

Ms. Hawthorne's Bella girl!

Mr. Comet dog! Don't let that sweet face fool you!!